Donation Organizations

50% of profits will be donated to: 

  • Freshwater Society (MN)
  • Friends of the Boundary Waters (BWCA)
  • Save the Boundary Waters (BWCA)
  • Surfrider Foundation (North Shore/Nationwide)
  • Clean Water Action (Nationwide)

    Thank you for all of your support and helping with our mission of protecting our waters for future generations!

    Freshwater Society

    The mission of Freshwater is to inspire and empower people to value and preserve our freshwater resources.

    Since 1968, Freshwater has been a leading public nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving freshwater resources and their surrounding watersheds. To that end, we:


    Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness 

    Learn more about their work:

    Carved by glaciers and sculpted by water, there are countless reasons why the BWCA is the most popular Wilderness Area in the United States. At over 1.1 million acres, it contains more than 1,100 lakes, 1200 miles of canoe routes, a dozen rugged hiking trails and endless opportunities to explore and discover an adventure.


     Save the Boundary Waters

    Mission: We unite people to advocate for the protection of wilderness and wild places, especially the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and the greater Quetico-Superior Ecosystem.


    Surfrider Foundation

    The North Shore MN Chapter is a community of everyday people who passionately protect our playground - Lake Superior and the waves and beaches that provide us so much enjoyment.

    Surfrider is a community of everyday people who passionately protect our playground - the ocean, waves, and beaches that provide us so much enjoyment.


    Clean Water Action

    Our Mission: To protect our environment, health, economic well-being and community quality of life. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems.